The Insight Compact Guide to Rio de Janeiro
by Maria de Fatima Campos & Richard Davis
Published by Apa Publications, Signapore

What buyers from the internet said about the guide

"This is a very interesting book, with good pictures and excellent stories and background. Recommended places are more oriented to the well-to-do tourist, so accomodations, etc. not useful for the budget traveller. But worth it for the playful and educational stories".
A customer,

"As an avid reader of the Insight Guide series, I was inclined to purchase the "Insight Guide to Rio de Janeiro" as I plan my upcoming trip to Brazil. Although it does not contain a lot of travel information that would be relevant to travelers, the book does contain a lot of history and photographs on Rio de Janeiro and it's surrounding area. Starting from it's Amerindian beginnings, and then moving on to the Portuguese colonial era, and finally into the history of modern Brazil, this guide explains Rio's many landmarks, place names, and everyday life.
Full of colorful photographs, which gives the reader an idea of how "cariocas" (residents of Rio are known by this term) look like.
Overall, this guide is an excellent book for those who enjoy reading more about history and culture."
Luiz Hernadez, New York, on

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: ISBN 9781845073169
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